2017 NCAA Tournament
    This game is allowing new players to enter new picks, in order to demonstrate how it works. Now that the tournament has started players can see who is leading their pool by entering their pool's organizer and then hitting the show scores link on the lower right. The next page can sort players by scores so far, or by total potential remaining. Each player has a printable results page that shows which games have been played so far; if that bracket's game has been played you can see if your pick was correct and if your pick wasn't correct you can see who actually won, if that bracket's games haven't been played yet you can see if your pick has been eliminated already or if your pick is still in it. You can also try different Final Four scenarios once the Elite 8 games are played!
    Any questions or problems with the game?

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    Check the Pomeroy ratings
Bill Mill makes using them easy
Are you a player or an organizer?And 10 Tips to win!
The NCCA has live streaming
Organizer: CBS televises the tournament
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