Dutch immigrants once held fervent beliefs: Premillennialism spread at the end of the nineteenth century, Zionism soon became influential,
and the Fundamentalist movement began around 1914.
Then over one hundred years ago the Great War changed everything ...
The one hundredth year anniversary of Rev. Fles passing into glory was March 29, 2021. Myself.
The "Lord's Garden" web page has an 1894 quote from Rev. Fles.
Rev. J. I. Fles biography - the longer version had end notes. The last link in it mentions a Zeeland RCA church. Now I'm finished adding more.
This time I mean it (unless something big happens)!
The same longer version but try saving word as html page. Try to possibly catch within archive.org and store that saved result for later access via wayback machine?
The same longer version in a pdf. If your device doesn't have Word, it might not show the many end notes.
The published version of his story. The article in CRC history magazine has other pictures. Not available now.
His story in a single page. Here is a nice way to get a brief impression; wordcloud. Here is another new one.
A story about Rev. John Rottenberg. I hope the short format is suitable for "this hero who gave up his life
for the sake of bringing the gospel to the Jewish people." (per Glaser)
The same Rottenberg story, as a pdf. A good format.
Rev. Fles in Muskegon, perhaps around 1900 | |
John and Johanna Fles | |
Rev. Fles and family, probably before 1900 | |
Parsonage in Pella, IA around 1912. Minnie and Hermine, Rev. De Leeuw and Nell, Johanna, grandson John, Rev. Fles | |
Possibly in that parsonage | |
Fles had a playful side. | |
In the 1888 CRC Synod he showed his serious side. | |
Aalten NL | |
The SS Rotterdam was a year old in 1873 | |
Presbyterian Church in Cedar Grove, WI. | |
Old Scholte church in Pella, IA. | |
Zeeland, MI. Follow the road your ancestors took, and you will find peace. Jer. 6:16 |
Zeeland anniversary party on August 31, 1887 is mentioned in the story. | |
After interurban street train reached Zeeland in 1901 | |
Unknown funeral in Zeeland Cemetery from between 1900 & 1910 | |
The old North Street church | |
North Street C.R.C. in Zeeland, MI. | |
First C.R.C. (in 1891 before fire) in Muskegon, MI. | |
First C.R.C. and parsonage (after fire) in Muskegon, MI. | |
The Chicago Hebrew Mission in 1891 | |
Open air meeting in West side Chicago "Jewish quarter" | |
World's Fair in Chicago in 1893 | |
The German Kaiser in Belgium in 1914 | |
British General Allenby enters Jerusalem in 1917, during Hanukkah |